Importance of securing your website

Professional WordPress Web Development

Importance of securing your website

Open the forward door for your business enterprise, but please don’t leave your site wide open! Don’t wait until too late to secure your website. This means proactively setting up protection to keep out hackers, bugs, and other Internet risks to your data and possibly to the finances of you and yuour online customers.

Especially over the past four or five years it has become absolutely essential for website owners to have their sites well secured. In the USA and in Canada, a website is hacked at least every half-minute. That is why browsers are providing information showing all http websites as insecure. It’s time, if you haven’t already, to migrate your site to https. The “s” means secure. And it’s time to see that all the other security measures are taken and maintained.

Main steps to making a website secure:

  1. Install SSL – Crucial Step One: Purchase a simple Secure Sockets Layer certificate.
  2. Use anti-malware software – There many good choices of software to scan your website to detect and prevent malicious attacks.
  3. Make your passwords complex and very hard to crack – Avoid contiguous digits, common words or common passphrases
  4. Keep your website backend up to date – You must use up-to-date software and keep current with updates.
  5. Never invite hackers – Beware of phishing emails and other scams. They get more brazen every month.
  6. Only manually accept on-site comments – There are comment spammers who are also scammers. Take command of all comments.
  7. Run regular backups – This should be a priority, so you are ready for any perils affecting your website. There are many tools available at your web host and via plugins if you are using WordPress.